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Update 3/21/24: About a proposed development in the Passage Lane area

To the Massanutten Community:

Recently, Mark Wagner – our VP of Corporate Development – made a presentation to MPOA’s board, discussing our plans to seek an Amendment to our current Master Plan.  This Amendment would provide for the addition of a parcel owned by Great Eastern and located within the current Massanutten Village footprint.  We’d like to thank all of those in attendance.

The land in question is about 7 ½ acres of unimproved land surrounded by MPOA’s platted areas between Resort Drive and the ends of Cub Lane and Passage Lane.  We believe that, given demand for housing in the area, it makes sense to develop these proposed lots to help meet that demand and subsequently expand MPOA’s membership base.

Here are a few key points regarding the proposed project:

  • – The development includes up to 19 single-family homes, at a proposed new intersection of Passage Lane and Cub Lane.


  • – Great Eastern does not currently plan to impose transient rental restrictions on the lots, but will retain the right to do so should compelling reasons arise during the review and development process.


  • – Deed restrictions and covenants will be similar to those in the section of Massanutten Village which surrounds the land in question.


  • – The owners of these improved lots will also be MPOA members and required to pay MPOA dues. Upon construction completion, each improved lot will also be required to participate in MPOA’s trash collection service, and will be subject to its annual fee.


  • – All construction and dwellings must comply with current MPOA Architectural and Ecological Control Committee Design Guidelines, roadway specifications, and will be subject to improvement bond requirements.


The current zoning aligns with that of the surrounding area. The project will be submitted to the County for staff review in April for inclusion in the Master Planned area, with final review expected this summer.

Construction timing is not yet set.

For further information or questions about the project, please feel free to email us directly at, and we will ensure your questions are addressed.

Additionally, if there is interest, we are considering hosting a brief informational session on April 2 at 4:30 PM at Campfire Grill. To express your interest, please  click here. We will proceed with the session if we have at least eight resident attendees. An image of the proposed area is below.

In the meantime, we hope everyone is enjoying the pleasant start to spring.




8 responses to “Update 3/21/24: About a proposed development in the Passage Lane area”

  1. So let me ask about the transient rental I read that, correct me if I’m wrong,it sounds as though they would be allowable str homes added to the ridiculous number of homes that are already strs.when drawing up your plans,do you ever take into account the disturbing amount of noise and disruptive behavior that comes from already have many timeshare units throughout.which to me falls under an str discription,as they are being used by different people at different times throughout the year,the last thing needed is more str rentals

    • Thanks for the query. Although Great Eastern owns this land and anticipates improving the lots, these will ultimately be properties within the MPOA footprint. To that end, the process anticipates similar policies as those of the Homeowner’s Association – and MPOA does not restrict short term rentals (STRs). We are aware that there are those in the community who are concerned about such properties.

      By the way, we’re still early in the process. Please note the following from the post: “Great Eastern does not currently plan to impose transient rental restrictions on the lots but will retain the right to do so should compelling reasons arise during the review and development process.”

      Please also note that Great Eastern and Massanutten don’t own/operate any STRs (timeshares and exchanges are a different product) and we don’t foresee that changing.

  2. Your intention is to build and rent so employees can have a place, since Bloomer Springs idea was defeated !!

    • The need for employee housing will be addressed with the Massanutten Station development in coming years. These properties are expected to ultimately become part of MPOA.

  3. The Great Eastern meeting scheduled for 4:30 PM this afternoon did not allow participants to attend via Zoom. I’ve been attempting to join the meeting since 4:30 and have been unsuccessful. Why were Zoom attendees not allowed to join? And when is Great Eastern going to reschedule since Zoom attendees were not admitted?

    • Lisa, not sure why but there was at least one Zoom attendee and several others who apparently had trouble logging in. Someone from Great Eastern/Massanutten will be reaching out to you, if they haven’t already.

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