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Community Phone Numbers - Massanutten Security: 540.289.4054 | MPOA Security: 540.820.3810 Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office (non-emergency): 540.564.3800 | Rockingham County Fire & Rescue (non-emergency): 540.564.3175 | Emergency: 911

Update 6/7/2021 – GM Corner

To the Massanutten Community:

Several things to update you about this time around: our upcoming Community Appreciation at the WaterPark; some notes about summer and more.

MPOA Community WaterPark Open House: First: we’ve set Friday, June 18 as the date for our special Community get-together at the WaterPark. Admission between 4 PM and 7 PM is FREE; you simply need to request tickets, which you can do by CLICKING HERE.  Please bring your MPOA ID with you when you come to the WaterPark. It’s our way of welcoming you to summer and showing off some cool new features (well, new to most people, in that the WaterPark wasn’t open much last summer).

Speaking of summer: we thought you’d like to know that this summer is shaping up to be a more or less normal one with regard to resort visitation. With many Americans now vaccinated, a decline in new cases and a relaxation on travel rules, we currently expect to welcome roughly as many guests and timeshare owners as we did in 2019.

MPSC and Water Rates: We received a query on our new Community Page asking for an update on the MPSC situation. There really isn’t much to tell you at this point. As you know, we’re supportive of a Rockingham County takeover of the utility. I can share that the County has hired expert legal counsel to guide them through this process – but you should be aware that it’s the County’s job, and not ours, to evaluate and manage that process. As for the rate case: it’s still in phase and likely will be for a few months yet.

Our Meals Program: We started our free meals delivery program for needy area residents early in the pandemic, during the lockdown. Back then, there were many people in our community out of work, and there were those who had limited access to supplies. It made sense to pitch in considering that we had culinary professionals and facilities that weren’t being used.

We now know a lot more about how the pandemic spreads and how to manage contact. As noted above, vaccination rates are way up; case counts are down significantly. The State of Virginia has lifted most restrictions and things are pretty much back to normal with regard to everyone’s access to resources. With this in mind, we’re suspending the food program for the time being. We will continue providing free home-baked weekly bread to EAUS (Elkton Area United Services). Our final full-meal delivery for the program as it currently stands will be on June 8. Over the summer, we’ll evaluate the program with an eye towards determining the best way to help support our community going forward.

The Program delivered thousands of free meals over the past year, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the time and dedication of many volunteers from the Community and the Resort, and the amazing efforts from the team at Shenandoah Provisions. My thanks to all who contributed to this worthwhile effort.

Please subscribe! We’re committed to keeping you informed about things we’re doing at the Resort. This page now allows you to subscribe, so that you’ll be notified when new entries are made. Your email address will NOT be shared or used for promotional purposes (if you signed up for other notifications from the resort using the same email address, you’ll still receive those updates unless you opt out). We’d also appreciate your telling your neighbors about this page and the ability to subscribe. Depending upon your browser settings, the Subscription Request can be found on either the right side of one of the main pages, or at the bottom of that page (for example, you won’t see a Subscription Request on this post, but you will by returning to the main page).


Matthias Smith, VP/General Manager, Massanutten Resort



9 responses to “Update 6/7/2021 – GM Corner”

    • Hi, Tiffany – depending on your browser settings, you should see the SUBSCRIBE options on a main page – either at the right of screen, or at the bottom. You won’t see this looking at the detail of a post.

      If you have any problems, post again. We’ll add you to the list. You’ll get a request from WordPress asking for confirmation either way.

      • To add further clarity – if you click any of the tags above – “Behind the Scenes,” “Caring for Our Community” etc. – the subscription option should become visible.

  1. Thank you for the update. In the future if you need community volunteers, we would be available to help.

    • You’re more than welcome for the update – and thanks so much for the kind offer! We’re doing our best to be more proactive in communicating with the community. There will almost certainly be volunteer opportunities going forward; we’ll likely announce them here. It’s likely the MPOA also has volunteer opportunities, too!

  2. Like many other residents on the mountain I greatly appreciate the open forum you have established. Perhaps you can pass on the observation to the department in charge of roads:
    There are sections of the road markings along Massanutten Drive that are greatly faded or have completely disappeared. This includes the ‘bike lane’ in some places. Repainting is desperately needed if potential accidents are to be avoided. I hope this will be addressed in the near future. May I also suggest that more “bikes” be painted in the designated than there presently are. Currently they are too far apart to keep a driver adequately informed.
    Thank you

  3. Thank you for inviting MPOA members to the Waterpark the evening of the 18th. I enjoyed the opportunity to check out all the new features.

    • Thank you for joining us, Missy! A favor, if we might: please let your friends and neighbors know about this page, and that they can subscribe for updates from the resort.

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