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Community Phone Numbers - Massanutten Security: 540.289.4054 | MPOA Security: 540.820.3810 Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office (non-emergency): 540.564.3800 | Rockingham County Fire & Rescue (non-emergency): 540.564.3175 | Emergency: 911

Update mid-September 2020 – An Update on Painter’s Pond & Winter Operations

Painter’s Pond is popular as a picnic spot, a place to watch waterfowl, and a fishing hole (each year Massanutten Resort stocks it with thousands of trout for the enjoyment of residents and guests alike). It’s a real asset for the community. And you may have noticed that, after a summer of being empty, Painter’s […]Read More…

Update September 10, 2020 

To the Massanutten Community: Next week (9/15 – 16), MPOA and Massanutten Resort will engage in mediation. It’s our hope that this discussion, which will be overseen by a retired judge approved by both parties, will resolve differences between us, and move us toward a permanent resolution. To clear up any confusion, what will happen […]Read More…

Update August 24, 2020 

To the Massanutten Community: We’ve mentioned numerous times – here on this page, and in correspondence with MPOA’s Board and legal counsel – that the Resort and Great Eastern are very much committed to paying our fair share of mutually beneficial services such as road maintenance. If you’ve not read Garrett Smith’s items on the […]Read More…

Update August 17, 2020 

One of the issues we all face – homeowners and the Resort alike – are the high costs of potable water and wastewater treatment in our community. There were two significant developments on that front on Wednesday of last week. As you may know, MPSC is an independent, privately-held, for-profit company owned by Illinois-based Utilities, […]Read More…

Update August 2, 2020 

To the Massanutten Community: This might come as a bit of a surprise to some, but this post is in praise of MPOA and all that it brings to the community. I write this because I know there’s been a degree of misunderstanding, leading to anger, regarding the MPOA Board’s decision to eliminate the Massanutten […]Read More…

Update July 24, 2020

Some Historical Context – Picking up on the topic of joint oversight outlined in an earlier post, I’m reminded of Boston in 1999. I had recently arrived after completing my teaching assignment with TFA, a national teacher corps. After two years in a Rio Grande Valley border town, I was ready for some big-city life. […]Read More…