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Update 6/28/2021 – GM Corner

To the Massanutten Community:

A few items to discuss this time around, including increased engagement with the community; an environmental initiative, what the Summer Jam event (July 4) is REALLY about, some fun stuff, and more.

First, though: It was really nice to see those who could make it to the Massanutten – MPOA Community Open House at the WaterPark.  A few photos of the event are included. If we missed your group, please do feel free to send us a photo or two as it was a great day to remember.  We plan to do something like this again next late spring/ early summer.

Community Events/Townhall: This is something we’ve wanted to do for a while now but couldn’t due to the pandemic. Before the formal legal separation between Massanutten Resort/Great Eastern and MPOA, we had a seat on the MPOA Board of Directors. In that role, we were available to answer questions from the community (which, by the way, has never really gone away – especially if you email us at

We no longer participate in MPOA Board meetings, but that doesn’t mean we’re not interested in the community’s views and ensuring an open exchange. We find this community blog a good initial step, but are also open to a larger, in-person community open forum if the interest is there. I can say that you’ll see us out and about more. And, of course, you can ping us at any time.

Summer Jam: It’s back! We can gather and have outdoor fun with friends and family July 4th Weekend! The Summer Jam will be on Saturday, 7/3 – and you can see the details here. Live music, food vendors, beer garden, kids’ activities and more – including, of course, fireworks.

Now, you might not know this, but the Summer Jam is one of several major events we have each year (others include Valleyfest and the Fall Festival). We don’t make money on these events – we merely provide the venue, and the proceeds – including admission tickets and vendor fees – go to worthy local non-profits. In the case of the Summer Jam, that’s the Rockingham-Harrisonburg SPCA. If you’re unfamiliar with that organization: RHSPCA provides sheltering services for thousands of animals found as strays or surrendered by their owners each year, focusing on reuniting or re-homing as many as possible. It’s a wonderful organization that serves the entire county, and we’re proud to provide a setting for this event as they raise funds – and big fun – at the same time.  We hope you’ll join us and the larger Rockingham Community for the fun and help the SPCA at the same time!

Green Initiatives: We live in a beautiful place, and we’re always looking for ways to make it better. One thing we’d like to do is discuss ways the Resort and the Community can work together on green initiatives. We have a lot of potentially exciting environmentally-focused projects in the pipeline that we’ll announce in future posts. Meantime, your input is welcome – if you have some ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments below. We may not publish all of them but rest assured that we WILL read them.

MPSC Rate Case: As I’ve previously mentioned the Hearing Examiner issued her report on this case, and involved parties had the right to file responses. We’ve filed ours. Final determination will be made by the State Corporations Commission. We don’t know when they’ll issue their final ruling. Oh, and WHSV recently ran a story on Rockingham County’s desire to take over MPSC. There’s still a long way to go on that, but we’re hopeful – and we know you are, too. If you haven’t seen the story, you can do so here:

Mascots! We can’t let Disney have all the fun! After a year in development, we’ve launched our own Mascot Academy with Theo the Bear, Splash the Frog, Sly the Fox and Bootsie the Bunny. They’ll make regular tours around the resort area. The team of mascots are super excited to welcome our visitors and residents and help connect kids of all ages to the magic of the mountain. So, if you’ve got kids (or grandkids!), please feel free to stop by – they make for great photographs! The mascots’ schedule will be posted on the Events Calendar of our website later this week.


I close this post by extending a huge THANK YOU to Carter Miller for more than 25 years of exceptional work as MPOA’s administrator. His contributions to this community are truly unparalleled.  Carter, my hat is off to you for all the you have done, the mark you have made on this special place, and the care you have expressed for everyone on the mountain.  We will miss you greatly and wish you the very best in your next chapter.


Matthias Smith, VP and General Manager, Massanutten Resort


4 responses to “Update 6/28/2021 – GM Corner”

  1. About the green initiative. Do you have people who regularly pick up trash in the property? We walk by the creek near the Family Adventure parking lot and golf course and regularly see trash down in the creek including large plastic bags, bottles, etc. The area near the bridge over the creek at the parking lot from condos to Family adventures has a huge bent up piece of metal that has been there for a long time. It used to be a drainage thing, but looks like trash now and sure makes the area look junky instead of beautiful. Is there any way to get rid of it and some of the other pieces of junk in that area along the creek? Thanks.

    • Not sure just yet about that piece of metal, but we’ve got a crew heading over there this afternoon to tidy things up. Thank you SO MUCH for reaching out on this!!!!

    • We agree – it’s a lot of fun! But we’re even more gratified by the good work that the proceeds support.

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